Morning Motivator – Tim Ferriss is a Genius

"In my top 5 people to meet, you better believe Tim Ferriss ranks damn near #1."
- Zach Barker, Entrepreneurial addict

Here is an excerpt from one of Tim's most recent posts.  I thought for those that are having a "BLAH' week, this might be a good inspiration!  Enjoy Tim's comments below…

Once upon a time, two entrepreneurs had an idea: what if we used traditional bookbinding to make iPad cases?

It was a fun idea.

Then it suddenly became very, very profitable. The two entrepreneurs, Patrick Buckley and Craig Dalton, named the idea DODOCase and soon had sold more than 10,000 iPad cases at $60 a pop.
Soon thereafter, they were featured in The New York Times and had a multi-million dollar business on their hands, to the tune to $4-5 million a year.

That could be you.

See, DODOcase was far from alone. They were part of a simple experiment, a business-building competition I launched jointly with an incredible start-up called Shopify.

The results were amazing:
Revenue PER HOUR for the duration of the contest: $696.38
Total number of orders placed: 66,503
Most important — Total businesses created: nearly 1,400

1,400 &^%$ing businesses, created by people just like you.

People who'd become comfortable in a routine. People who'd dreamt of starting their own company… someday. People who just needed a quick slap to get off the tranquilizers of their 9-to-5. But did I say "people just like you"? Scratch that — 1,400 businesses, many of them created by people far less capable than you.

Zach:  "so what the hell are you waiting on?" and "Thanks Tim Ferriss… I hope to meet you one day soon!"


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