Morning Motivator - Focus and purpose

"There is one 'most important' thing to accomplish today.  What is your 'one'?"
- Andy Bailey

A special thank you to my very good friend and strategic partner, Josh Anderson of The Anderson Group Real Estate/Keller Williams (Nashville) for today's Morning Motivator.  You are the man bro!!

Effort alone does not create achievement. Somebody can put forth a lifetime of effort and not have much to show for it.

What counts is focused effort in the service of a meaningful purpose. Get that, and you're really getting somewhere.

Just being busy is not going to make you successful. Instead of merely using up time, find a way to create real, desirable value with the time you have available.

Don't comfort yourself with being aimlessly busy. Challenge yourself to get meaningful results from your time and effort.

Outstanding achievement and disappointing mediocrity are both built from the same twenty-four hours in each day. The difference is not one of time or even effort, but of focus and authentic purpose.

As long as you're making the effort, as long as you're using up resources, as long as you're spending the time, make it all count. Make a habit of doing what really matters, and you'll enjoy a life that's really great.

Zach's note: Spending 10 minutes every afternoon to make a list of your top 5 priorities for the next day is EPIC in creating success in the next 24 hours.  Prioritize them in matter of importance and do not move on to the next until the first is COMPLETED!


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