Morning Motivator – One Best Answer - OR - Buffets Suck

"Ambiguity is logic is what creates confusion amongst clients."
- Zach Barker

Let's face it – there are multiple "good" answers to a solution.  Yet, there is only one "BEST" answer.

I recently went to dinner with my wife's family and a comment about the "limited" number of options on the menu arose.  It was at that moment I further APPRECIATED the expertise of the chef and his team.  Sure, they could have offered ten variations of chicken, six of beef and five different fish, but alas, they did not.  One chicken, one beef, one game, two fish (very different in nature) – BEAUTIFUL!

Why is that so important?  Simple, you either want fish, chicken, wild game or fish.  The overwhelming number of options made in variations of those few choices just CONFUSES you.  The chef HELPED you by giving you your ONE BEST ANSWER to your taste desire.

Try giving your clients FEWER options with greater focus.  Seek to offer the one "BEST" solution to them, rather than allowing them to sit at the "buffet of business" and figure it out on their own.  People that do not know what they want like buffets… and expect LOWER quality of food and service.

Is your business a BUFFET?  Do you offer multiple variations that all solve the same solution?  When a client asks you which one you prefer, do you think they believe you IF the option you like happens to be the most expensive?

Do you people a favor – give them the ONE BEST OPTION.  If they need a "one off," help them get it, but do not add a completely new solution as a result!  Buffets suck… and you know why.


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