Morning Motivator – Password Rest FAIL

"Incorrect password.  Try again."
- TweetDeck application

Every so often, a tech company helps me make a new Morning Motivator.  Today, it is TweetDeck. 

TweetDeck is an all-in-one social media platform for managing your Twitter, FaceBook, FourSquare and other social media accounts.  It sounds like a WINNER, especially since no one wants to manage all those accounts from multiple interfaces (if at all).  Yet, what happens when you forget you MASTER PASSWORD to the account?

Unless you are "one of those" that has one password on all 1,000 of your accounts, you will OCCASIONALLY forget one here and there.  This brings us to the issue:  the INABILITY TO EASILY UNCOVER OR RESET YOUR PASSWORD.

If you run a business based on accessibility – via phone, email, interface, application, club card or even just a front door lock – you better damn well make sure if someone FORGETS how to connect, that you have an EASY way to let them back in.

Why?  Well, it really is just a matter of finances.  We all know that the SIMPLEST solutions win most often and the one with the simplest solution makes the most money.

If YOUR solution is easy to use, yet hard to access "in the event of…," you can expect that your user base (and your finances) will have a direct affect. 

I may be a fool, and this may be easy to do… but it sure is not easy to find and not at all INTUITIVE.  To me – that is just about hard enough!  Make it easy to get in … and easy to get "back in."


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