"…sorry, you cannot use those locations."
- Anonymous
One of the most FRUSTRATING things is when you are not privy to all the INFORMATION available. Would you agree? Well, get used to it! It is how people maintain CONTROL and GENERATE revenue. Think about a doctor or a plumber… they know more than you, you do not know what you do not know and thus, you pay a PREMIUM for THEIR information.
What can you do in order to make sure you get all the OPPORTUNITIES and ELIMINATE any chances for you to be "screwed" out of time, money or opportunity? Well, being EDUCATED (aka "informed) is the ideal manner and the only real solution.
Understanding that some information is not available or is PROTECTED creates a challenge point for you. Then what? Well, that is where the title comes into play… STAY COOL, STAY FOCUSED.
Remember that every "NO" creates a "YES" somewhere else. You may be told that you cannot do something on a Tuesday, but that does not mean you are blocked from Wednesday. Hmmm…
What if someone said that you were not ELIGIBLE for a contract because of your "classification?" Does that mean you are "BLACK BALLED" from bidding? HELL NO! You may find that the company will change their rules if they found your service to be superior or no one else bids (think government here). You could always re-apply under a different "classification" too.
Stay cool… stay focused. Your CREATIVITY will kick in and a solution will present itself. Kind of like when someone tells you there are no parks available with lights… well, maybe you just go get some lights. (wink wink)
*To enjoy past editions of the Morning Motivator go to – http://grow-learn-lead.blogspot.com
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