Morning Motivator - Need New Business? Take Small Bites!

"I might be interested, but I am happy with what I have."
- Common prospective client retort

Times are tough (still). All the "hope and change" of the past 3 years has not really changed anything, so we are still asking, "How can we do more with less?" GREAT QUESTION!!

My sales mentor, Justin Morrison, has always said, "take small bites" as you try to grow your business. I used to get so mad when he would say that to me. Lately, I have found myself giving the SAME ADVICE.

What does that mean?

2 DEGREE SUCCESS STEP: Plainly put, it means do not try to gain everything in one leap.

If you want a new client, ask for ONE OPPORTUNITY, not to take over the whole account. If you want a new position in your company, ask to lead ONE PROJECT, not take over the whole department. If you want to be Mayor, try running for the Chamber of Commerce Board first.

Think about how YOU buy and try things. You rent a movie before you buy it - small bite. You test drive 5 cars before you buy one - small bite. You go out on a few dates before you get married - small bite.

So if you are apprehensive to just give away the keys to the castle, why would you expect anything different of anyone else?

Learn to use the way you think to OUTSMART the people you are trying to work with! They think just like you...use that to your ADVANTAGE!!

Give them a taste. Allow for a small bite. Then, once you know they like it - go in for the kill and get what you deserve. One small bite at a time. (Thanks Justin!)



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