Morning Motivator - Become a Hacker

"If you give a hacker a new toy, the first thing he'll do is take it apart to figure out how it works."
- Jamie Zawinski

Do you know what makes great salespeople, well, great?  They have "hacked" near every aspect of their clients business, mindset and apprehensions.  They know more about what their clients need than the clients are even able to see. 

Hackers are an amazing breed of professional (yes, I said professional).  Sure, the ones you hear about are the bad guys stealing credit card numbers or launching viruses, but what about the Hackers at Google which "engineered" a better algorithm allowing us faster and broader access to information.  What about the printing company that hacked the ideal formatting to maximize your exposure and effectiveness in their publications?  or the doctor that hacked a new vaccine for the flu?

Hackers are not all evil.  Matter of fact, most are just curious individuals "reverse engineering" their way to understanding the inner workings of a model.  They are the intellectuals seeking a better way, better understanding and greater control over end-results.

I often ask if you are spending time working "on" your business, not just in it.  Analyzing systems, processes, procedures, workflows and more.  Breaking down the decision pathways of a reluctant client to ensure you "know" what questions or hesitations will arise on the way to a successful integration. 

Take a few hours (if you cannot afford a full day) each week to "hack" a system you work in.  Look at it inside and out.  Tackle only one at a time.  Look for the nuances of its inner workings and functionality.  See if there is not a step that can be circumvented or streamlined.

Most often the greatest innovations are an improvement on a existing process or product, rarely a new creation.  Innovation is improvement and hacking your way through a problem to its root allows you the understanding and power to make innovative change!

Here is to becoming a hacker... the legal kind that is.



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