Morning Motivator - Fine, Don’t Sell...

"There is only one way... to get anybody to do anything. And that is by making the other person want to do it."
- Dale Carnegie

What if there were no sales people?  A world with no one to push towards decision making, drive better ways of doing business or press people to examine their existing businesses.  What if we did not have a world withy pushy people pushing us to push?

Personally, I have been in sales, the hard kind, since college.  My business goals were always driven around revenue generation or market share.  I have never known a world where there was not a goal to get someone to purchase at the end of the day.  Yet, many people never want to sell.  They don't want to think about the numbers.  They just want to do their job.

Fine, don't sell... no one says you have to.


If no one is selling, then there is no money to fund the people supporting.  No accounting department, no marketing, no HR, no admin assistants.  The business world stops when sales people quit.

As a business professional, you better realize you are ALWAYS selling.  Whether you are a sales rep who sells direct or an admin assistant who ensures that the sales people have what they need, you are a part of the process.  As a support person, your sole goal should be to find better ways to make more sales capacity and shorter cycles. 

Do not fight the sales person.  They are the ones that never get a day off (which is why they try to do as many non-work things when able) and never get to take a break.  They are always on... 

You do not have to sell, that is fine.  But you every one of us better realize that if you are not selling, you must make sure someone else is... your job depends on it!  Now go out and sell something!!



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