Morning Motivator - Leadership

"The wicked leader is he who the people despise. The good leader is he who the people revere. The great leader is he who the people say, 'We did it ourselves.'"

I find it very interesting how we define "leaders" - the President, our company VPs, church elders, etc.  How many of these people are leaders by title vs. leader by ability?  Think about great leadership and what you feel like, what you achieve and how you lead within that capacity.

A leader is someone who helps his community (2 or more people – work team, sports club, church, city) to gain a higher level of positive achievement.  Are you a leader?  What positive changes are you driving in your community? 

If you are around me long enough you will hear me say "I want to be around someone who makes me a better person than when I am by myself."  To me - true leadership is when EMPOWERING others to achieve things they feel are just out of reach.  Today – go and make someone a better person because of your involvement in their life and if you have a great story about it – share it with me.  Ill gladly share your triumph with others.

Let me know how I can help improve your life today… make it a great one!

Zachary Barker
Business Group Manager
NationLink Wireless - "The BlackBerryGuys"
mobile | 615.207.2290

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