Morning Motivator – Determination

"Every failure, obstacle or hardship is an opportunity in disguise. Success in many cases is failure turned inside out. The greatest pollution problem we face today is negativity. Eliminate the negative attitude and believe you can do anything. Replace 'if I can, I hope, maybe' with 'I can, I will, I must.'"   -Mary Kay Ash

Yesterday, we talked about GROWTH and a part of growth is the DETERMINATION to achieve your dreams.  Embrace every opportunity to grow, appreciate every failure knowing it's a closer step to success and keep an attitude of determination to drive your passions and see your successes.

I was speaking with yesterday with my very good friend, Josh Anderson, when he made one of the best comments I have heard in a long time.  He said, "I love it when someone tells me what I can't do or why something can't be completed.  It just makes me want to do it more to show that I CAN do it… and when I accomplish it I am going to come back and tell you about it!"  If you don't believe his success is derived from this attitude – you are mistaken.

Take an ATTITUDE of success – Do not let anyone tell what YOUR happiness is – Drive yourself to ACHIEVE your dreams on your terms.  If someone gets in your way… call me, I will call Josh and the 3 of us will go tell them about your success once you accomplish that goal!  Make today your greatest success…

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Zachary Barker
BlackBerryGuy Division Manager
NationLink Wireless - "The BlackBerryGuys"
mobile | 615.207.2290

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