Morning Motivator – Growth

"The rung of a ladder was never meant to rest upon, but only to hold a man's foot long enough to enable him to put the other somewhat higher."
-Thomas Henry Huxley

Are you a better, wiser and stronger person today than what you were yesterday?  I hope so. 

We often hear people say "you never stop learning", which is true.  The question is: "Are you actively seeking knowledge or just letting life and learning happen to you?"  If you are not actively seeking personal growth opportunities, you may be missing out on the best parts of your life.

My GROWTH STRATEGY is simple: make myself uncomfortable daily.  Sound silly?  I thought so too – however, now I focus daily on doing something that makes me push outside my comfort zone.  I make the call I don't want to make, I do the activity I am hesitant to do and I commit to opportunities I am not sure I will like.  So, what has it provided me?

I have been a 4.0 Business student, a Marketing Manager, a "Rookie of the Year", a small business owner, a Member of the Year, an incoming President of the Nashville Junior Chamber, a great boyfriend (and a bad one at times), a mentor, a motivator, a friend, a life coach, a big brother and a good son.  At 29 – I am not yet pleased with where I am at… although I would say my growth strategy of "making myself uncomfortable" has been a good start.  Think about yourself… you have accomplished many great things so far… how many more are you capable of?

Don't be fearful of GROWTH… you are the most powerful person you know.  Make yourself uncomfortable… try something that you know will GROW your mind, body and spirit.  Have a great day!

"When a bonsai stops growing, you know it's dead."  -Japanese Proverb

Zachary Barker
BlackBerryGuy Division Manager
NationLink Wireless - "The BlackBerryGuys"
mobile | 615.207.2290

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