Morning Motivator - Discovery

"The essence of living is discovering indeed, it is the joy of discovery that makes life worth the effort."
-Vijay Krishna

Growing up I loved the Indiana Jones movies.  I was so enthralled by the adventure of discovering buried treasures.  Have you ever thought about the treasures that are buried within yourself?

Think about the last time you accomplished a feat others said you could not - the meeting you nailed with a new client, the weight loss goal you worked so hard for, or the person you thought you never impress that I your new best friend.

You are full of magic and special gifts that need to be shared with the world.  First - YOU must discover them!!  Take this weekend to think about the special talents you have been blesses with and the best ways to share them.  And am I always here to help if needed.

Have a GREAT weekend of Discovery!!

Zachary Barker
BlackBerryGuy Division Manager
NationLink Wireless | The BlackBerryGuys
direct | 615.207.2290

Sent to you "on the move" from my media enabled BlackBerry 8830 device. 

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