-Pema Chödrön, The Wisdom of No Escape
BELIEVE THIS: YOU are the most powerful entity on this planet. Do you know why? YOU have the ability to change the world by yourself. How so? By believing in something so deeply that you are able to make others believe too.
Sounds kind of "hippie" huh? (well forgive me as I am from Southern California). I really want you to think about your ability to BELIEVE. When you truly believe in something – is anyone able to shake your confidence in the belief? Doubtful. When you believe is someone's character or ability – are others able to change your mind about the quality of that person? Unlikely. When you believe that YOU are fully capable of achieving a goal – do you fail? Rarely. So what does this all mean?
Simply put – the BELIEF and CONFIDENCE in yourself, your team and your loved ones is the most powerful of all human strengths. When your mind is laser focused on an achievement you BELIEVE you will accomplish – you accomplish it BETTER, FASTER and with more JOY. So what do you believe? Do you believe you are a SUPERSTAR? Do you believe you are deserving and destined for SUCCESS? Do you believe that you are intended for GREATNESS? If not, why?
Evaluate your belief system in respect to your personal talents. Take out a stack of post it notes and write down the skills you have that are above average. Write as many as you believe you have (do not be modest). Then from that stack of post its – pull out the 3 things you do BEST. These are your CORE attributes that add the MOST VALUE to others around you. Find any and all ways to apply these skills in your business and personal life. Once you have identified the STRENGTHS your BELIEVE most in… you WILL find the drivers of your SUCCESS.
I BELIEVE in you… make today a HUGE success!!
View past Morning Motivators – http://grow-learn-lead.blogspot.com
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