Morning Motivator – My Christmas Wonder

For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.
– John 3:16 (KJV)

Annually we celebrate traditional holidays with family, friends and the sharing of gifts. I most enjoy the opportunity to share in smiles with loved ones and finding happiness in a day (or days) where we find a pure acceptance of people as they are made – perfectly by GOD.

Yet, I wonder… what would the world be like ALL the time if we were TRUSTING, CARING, UNSELFISH, COOPERATIVE creatures?
I wonder… what if we pursued actions that SUPPORTED and DEVELOPED others more than ourselves?
I wonder… what if our daily passion was the discovery of IMPROVING others lives, rather than how many new ways to take advantage?
I wonder.

The Christmas holiday and holiday season of other faiths is one that increases our awareness of WHAT WE CAN BECOME AS A RACE if we make the conscious decision to do so. We are reminded that the world struggles and needs of others are GREATER than our self interests and personal lusts. We are focused on the sacrifices ONE man can make for many and how that act of LOVE can affect the world positively for all days to come. Are we focused on applying these GREAT messages? I wonder.

I wish you all a wonderful Christmas holiday and hope that you find great JOY, PEACE and LOVE in your families and friends. And while enjoying these blessed days… consider what steps you can take to improve in the upcoming year. How great can we all become TOGETHER? I wonder.


For my good friend Alan – May today's quote be a motivation for you to share your message too. I welcome you to share your passions.

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