Morning Motivator – Giving Advice with ACTION

"He that gives good advice builds with one hand; he that gives good counsel and example builds with both."
-Francis Bacon
Admittedly, I sometimes feel like an advice columnist in writing the MM.  Most interestingly, guess who is disciplined in providing counsel yet fails to listen to the advice?  Yes… me.
I enjoyed a discussion last night with someone who's opinion I highly value and I revealed that the core motivations of the Morning Motivator are to motivate my most valued relationships … and myself.  Why myself?  Simply put – I am like everyone else and need an occasional "pick me up" and need help to get motivated.  Most importantly – I (like you) MUST take ACTION to be successful and achieve my dreams!! 
I sincerely hope that each of you gain an intrinsic value from this daily emotional supplement and through my passion you are driven to take ACTION STEPS to be successful.  You will notice that every MM has a driver towards ACTION – "Take the first step; try it for 15 minutes; make that call; etc."    Know and understand that talk without action is noise, action without talk is still ACTION!
Today your ACTION STEP is this – identify the ways in which you counsel trusted colleagues, loved ones, associates, etc. and make sure that have a specific action steps DETAILED for them.  If you plan to email advice, make a special section for "Advised Action";  if in a discussion,  ask the person "what is your next step?" – always be mindful that if someone asks YOU for advice, it's because you ARE the perceived EXPERT.  They value your thoughts and more over want to learn from your experience – help them by advising and providing specific examples of action.   You are not crippling or bailing them out – you are EMPOWERING them by providing direction.
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