Morning Motivator –Making the Right Sacrifices

"You must be willing to do the things today others don't do in order to have the things tomorrow others won't have."
-Les Brown, Live Your Dreams
Sacrifice (noun)-  the surrender of something prized or desirable for the sake of something considered as having a higher.  Lets break this down a bit.  What is PRIZED/VALUED?  Time, money, convenience, comfort, happiness.  What could be considered HIGHER value?  Freedom, wealth, ownership, relaxation, joy
Do you ever consider what you are holding onto so tightly today that may be better to let go so you can reap rewards later?  How many strategic sacrifices are you making daily, weekly, annually for the betterment of yourself or others?  I am not one to preach at people and surely am not a saint – I do want you to consider the path you are on.  Is your path paved in challenge and growth?  Does it include many uneasy and comfortable moments knowing you will achieve your dreams at the end?  If not… its OK!  You can change that.
Sit today at lunch, tonight at home or sometime this week and spend 20 powerful minutes clarifying your vision for the next year.  Where do you want to be?  What do you want to accomplish?  Who needs to be a part of that vision?  The spend 10 empowering minutes writing out the SINGLE next step.  :: Do not layout the entire process ::  Focus ONLY on the FIRST step and what actions need to be taken.  This will allow you to begin your journey to FREEDOM, WEALTH, OWNERSHIP, RELAXATION and JOY!
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