Morning Motivator – Living Through Your Imagination

"Live out of your imagination instead of out of your memory."
-Les Brown

For sports fans, we often hear an announcer say – "that player needs to have a short memory." What this implies is the ability for a high performing athlete to forget a previous play where he/she may not have performed at top level and FOCUS on achieving their goal in the next opportunity. Question: Do you have a short memory or live out of your memory?

As professionals, we are often judged by our past and the actions that have occurred prior to this days opportunity. Admittedly, I agree the past is a good indicator of future behavior, however, I also KNOW that YOU have control of YOUR future. You own your ability to take the ACTION to live out of your imagination – be anything, do anything and achieve everything. It is your mind's eye that holds the limitations of your abilities and also holds the key to the REAL dreams you hope to accomplish.

You have been blessed with many great talents, most of which no other person can duplicate! Live through your greatest attributes, focus on your life visions and achieve the goals you KNOW you can… while you show everyone you are able to be EXACTLY what you always KNEW you could! Make this week a week of imaginative success and accomplishment. Cheers to your SUCCESSES!

- Zach

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