Morning Motivator –Are You Insane?

"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results."
-Benjamin Franklin

Does the following sound familiar..? "I keep trying to get this done, I work harder each time and I end up with the same results! I just cant get over the hump." If so… WELCOME TO INSANITY!

You laugh, but really consider the quote above. How often do you say to yourself – "This year I will accomplish (insert goal)" and then find yourself short at the end – again. How many goals do you set that you continually miss? I have many and its OK to admit that you do too… we all do.

The critical key to achieving new and improved results is changing the accomplishment efforts from negative, non-productive action to POSITIVE, PRODUCTIVE action! If you are dieting and know that you eat late night snacks, you MUST cease the late night snacking to accomplish your goal. If you are seeking to increase revenue in your company and you look at the internet for sports scores of recipes, you MUST cease that behavior to accomplish your goal. TO GAIN NEW RESULTS – YOU MUST TAKE NEW, PRODUCTIVE ACTION!

When analyzing the behavior patterns that are driving your to success or missed success opportunities, you MUST be HONEST and DIRECT with yourself about - what you want to achieve, what actions need to be taken to get there and what existing actions MUST be CHANGED!

- Write down your goal to accomplish
- Write the actions required to achieve that goal
- Write down the counterproductive actions your participate in currently
- Circle those actions
- FOCUS and COMMIT to changing those actions – immediately!

If you are WILLING to face your personal challenges (be very honest with yourself) and TACKLE each one as an individual challenge – you WILL change your behavior and ACCOMPLISH YOUR GOAL!


*Take a look at the new Morning Motivator blogspot –

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