Morning Motivator - What is Your System?

"Everything should be made as simple as possible, but nor simpler."
- Albert Einstein

The success of a business is the ability to continually process tasks and generate revenues when the driver of the "business" is not engaged. What does that mean? If you are "self employed" - you work for yourself and are also solely responsible for the completion of tasks and revenue generation, such that if you take vacation... your business takes a vacation too. If you own a "business" - your business runs when you are not around... such that you make money, even when you are not the one generating it. So which do you want?

Even if you are "employed" you have the ability to create a business. How so? Detailed planning and process implementation. What does that mean? It means, YOU have a PLANNED strategy for how you will COMPLETE tasks, a proven SYSTEM for completion and the appropriate RESOURCES in place for effective application. Its MAXIMIZING your ability to complete by being prepared. How do I do that? Here's an idea...

SUCCESS STEP: (grab a piece of paper)
To create your system, you will need to:
1. Define your goals - What is the function of your job? What does success look like in your role?
2. Define your work - Make a list of the TASKS that you must complete in order to fulfill your duties.
3. Identify the "next steps" of each task - Understand and be able to chart your work flow
4. Identify key resources for completion - Who or what outside assistance do you require to complete tasks?
5. Layout the work flow and automate - Have a visual of your work flow with consequences of action defined, automate any tasks available and delegate other tasks for completion.

This is a quick and dirty system development. You may be able to save time by working directly with someone trained in this development for your industry. I am able to refer you to assistance if desired.

Make it a great week!!


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