Morning Motivator – How Your Business is like Raising Children

"Leadership is getting someone to do what they don't want to do, to achieve what they want to achieve."
- Tom Landry

I was told a funny thing a few months back – "running a business is similar to raising children" (I will trust the analogy as I do not yet have children). I asked how that might be and was told that "sometimes in a business you have to make your clients do things they don't like to get them what they want." (good find on the quote, eh?) Also, like children, people need to be constantly reminded about their goals, their duties and their rewards to keep them focused and productive.

Very interesting! I related it back to my leadership, my business and even my personal life. It made me think of some though situations I have been in before. Have you had to tell a business colleague they were doing something poorly in order to help them do better? Have you ever forced a break up because you knew it would help that other person get where they needed? Have you ever made yourself take on a task you despise because you knew it was the "best thing for you"? I have… many times.

I do know that decision making is DIFFICULT and MOST people do not want that responsibility. YOU have the chance to be a GREAT LEADER simply by reminding your colleagues, friends and family of their GOALS, the TASKS needed to accomplish them and the REWARDS they will enjoy from it.


Leadership is not trained or taught. Leadership is a passion for helping others achieve and it's a DECISION! If you do not understand what being a LEADER means – talk to your mother, father, supervisor or pastor. Take the step to better recognize YOUR ability to lead… we can talk more from there!!


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