-Lao Tzu
Ahhh, the beautiful bliss of being "busy." Too busy to be GREAT at any of the details, because I spend too much time DEALING with details. The idea that I could be so much MORE productive, if I just wasn't so important and needed constantly. The ability of human beings to provide "validating" excuses for their lack of desire, focus or understanding of how to BEST accomplish goals is amazing.
A great CHALLENGE that many of us face is getting beyond "I NEED TO…" and moving into "I WILL…" The idea on NEED is totally misused as is since you really only NEED – WATER, FOOD, SHELTER and LOVE. Beyond that, the things you say you "need" to do are simply tasks you have decided are beneficial to yourself, yet you have not found the proper motivation to take action. The quote above really drives home the idea of getting beyond "I NEED TO…" as you KNOW internally what ACTIONS need to be taken, you realize the BENEFITS of your sacrifices and CHOOSE whether the benefits outweigh the "WORK."
Do not allow FEAR to manage your actions. Your fears of failure, rejection and embarrassment are SOLELY in your head. EVERYONE wishes you to be successful. Speak in front of a crowd and you will find your fans. COMPLETE a project and you uplift your team moral. SUCCESS is infectious… if you have it, its easily shared with others! Now go get it!
Your personal success is defined by your BELIEF systems – most of which have been handed to you by your parents and family. Your ability to REALIZE your success is YOUR RESPONIBILITY.
1. Understand what TYPE of learner you are – Visual, Audio, or both
2. Use the TYPE to create your SUCCESS reminders - Visual: print a picture of the item you want; Audio: download the description of it; Both; Download the promo video
3. Repeat your SUCCESS reminders daily – put them in places you will have to look or listen to them DAILY, DAILY, DAILY!
4. Stay FOCUSED on the long range IMPORTANT goals – life balance, personal relationships, self confidence, family, etc…
Over time your BELIEF system (which is nothing more than the ideas that have been ingrained in your head for years and years) will change. The Law of Attraction will prove that if you WANT it badly enough – you WILL get or do what you NEED for success!
*To enjoy past editions of the Morning Motivator go to – http://grow-learn-lead.blogspot.com
The Morning Motivator is a copyrighted publication. The use of this article is open for print or publication with proper citations.
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