Morning Motivator – How to Get What You Want

"How can you have charisma? Be more concerned about making others feel good about themselves than you are making them feel good about you."
-Dan Reiland

Have you ever heard the phrase – "to get what you want, help someone else get what they need first?" A powerful idea when you consider that YOU are the one with most to LOSE in that situation. The amount of TRUST that is required is significant and the EXPOSURE you have to being taken advantage of if huge. Why take the risk??

Many great leaders before of us have discovered that RISK TAKING is a common attribute in building success. The risks taken are of being manipulated, taken advantage of or even flat out USED… AND… the risk of ACHIEVING your goals, HELPING others achieve theirs and CREATING lasting partnerships with other powerful leaders. Do you fear being taken advantage of? Do you think that you have the ability to achieve your DREAMS on your own? At what point will "flying solo" become a burden as opposed to a manner of self protection? Do you remember the FEELING you enjoyed the last time your TRULY helped someone? Do you remember the last time you needed help and got it without question?

When the next opportunity to provide assistance and help someone accomplish a goal arises – take it! Do not ask questions or consider whether you will ever be "paid back." Just do it! You will find that by serving others in a self less manner, the TRUST built between two people (even if not great contacts) is undeniably strong. There will always be a sense of accountability. Yes – you MAY never see that favor returned… to YOU. However, that SELFLESSNESS may in turn be passed along to someone else.

Focus on the benefit you provide the world by giving of your talents and abilities unconditionally, and what could happen if others did too.


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