Morning Motivator – What’s your Monday attitude?

"Happiness is an attitude. We either make ourselves miserable, or happy and strong. The amount of work is the same."
~Francesca Reigler

Ahhhh… another joyous Monday! Isn't it wonderful to be back on the job – making magic happen – working diligently towards our collective goals? (please cease throwing your mental daggers at me). Today, I want to ask you about your ATTITUDE. Specifically, your MONDAY attitude. On a scale of 1-10 (1 being a kick in the teeth, 10 being your best day yet) – how would you rate this morning's attitude? I hope that its one of positivity and vigor towards the challenges of the week (8-10). If not (1-4), I hope that you have a gauge on WHY you feel less than enthusiastic about Monday. Why would someone NOT be excited about Monday..? Here's a thought:

Many people fail to find value in weekly GOAL SETTING. Additionally, many are disgusted with the perpetual feeling of being BUSY without being PRODUCTIVE. How do we overcome? Let's look at travel as an example: How challenging is navigating the world by plane? Not very difficult if you have a DESTINATION (where you will finish your journey), a MAP (your tasks/goals to accomplish along the way keeping you flying in the correct direction) and a fully FUELED machine (prepared for travel prior to take off). If you do not have a DESTINATION, a MAP or FUEL to get there – it become much more challenging. So now ask yourself… are my Monday's a challenge because I have not yet clearly defined my DESTINATION (goal), MAP (action plan) or PROPERLY FUELED UP (planning/preparation)? As always… it's ok to be honest.


Your attitude is a decision that you make when you awake. It is your defense shield you set up to thwart away the "roadblocks" of the day. Your attitude begins its shape immediately upon waking… so let's start there:

* Wake up quickly – hitting the snooze bar is just hiding from the day

* Get active – do 25 sit ups, push ups or walk around your block

* Smile in the mirror – see the inner beauty and value of yourself

* Eat well – eat within the first hour so your body is fueled properly

* Rock out – crank up the music that you enjoy on the way to work (sing if you like)

* Set your daily goals – either first thing or last thing of the day and be consistent

* Stay positive – if something negative or someone negative approaches you, quickly move to a positive idea or story

* Stay focused – your day is filled with traps and pitfalls. Keep your eyes on your destination and be relentless in getting there

* Be confident – if you fall short of a goal- no worries! Work hard tomorrow to make up the slack.

* Finish strong – if you have one more task an its 10 minutes until 5pm… knock it out! You will feel TREMENDOUS afterwards.

Remember that you are a PERFECT creature in the eyes of your creator albeit your ACTIONS may not always be perfect. Trust in yourself and keep focused on the IMPROVING just 2 DEGREES Daily.


*To enjoy past editions of the Morning Motivator go to –

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