Morning Motivator – Is Your Perception…Reality?

"When we visualize something, we establish a relationship to the thing itself, not to some mere subjective representation of it inside us."
-Medard Boss

It is so very easy to ASSUME the worst of someone or something when we get a wrench thrown in our gears. Look back 6 weeks ago – has something MAJOR in your life occurred since then? A single UNFORSEEN event that has required your attention or focus to be in a place different from what you hoped? Guess what … me too!

Often we think that someone has SPITED us or that somehow we are being punished for something bad we have done. Nope – it's just called LIFE. Bad stuff happens and most often not on PURPOSE. So what are your choices? A. Get pissed off and pout around all day. B. Assume the best will turn up and roll with it or C. Take ACTION and find a way to assimilate with the challenge (i.e. make yourself a part of it to overcome it). I like B or C – A is never a good option. So what are YOU going to do? How will you handle the UNSEEN yet EXPECTED changes of life? If you aren't preparing now – you may find yourself in a funny spot later.


The IDEAL way to manage any unforeseen change is to tackle it head on. If you are now faced with a new TASK – schedule the time and knock it out! If you are challenged with a PERSON – call them and speak to them about it! If you are forced into a financial situation – examine your expenses and revenues, eliminate the unneeded items and go for it!

There is nothing in this world you are UNABLE to recover from and KNOW that most of your "MY LIFE IS ENDING" moments are nothing more than your dramatic ploy to convince yourself things are much bigger than they are. Keep your COOL and take care of business… you know what you have to do!

Have a GREAT weekend!


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