Morning Motivator - Working 9 to 5 is INSANITY!

"It is vain to do with more what can be done with less."
- William of Occam, originator of "Occam's Razor"

  How is it possible that all people in the world needs EXACTLY 8 hours per day to accomplish their work?  How much time do YOU need to accomplish your work daily?  Not the paper shuffling - the REAL work!

  When you consider your "VALUE" as a worker - what do you think of?  The number of hours that you WORK per week?  The amount of business you can MANAGE in a day?  The OVERALL contribution to the success of your group?  What does your employer or customers think?

  I challenge this thought to you... you SHOULD be paid for what you DO no matter how long (or short) it takes you to do it.  If you are paid $50,000 per year to manage accounts and you are ABLE to do so by working 2 days per week - does that mean you are NOT worth the $50,000?  If you were able to do so, what would your BOSS say?  Are you paid for what you ACCOMPLISH or how long you BABYSIT a computer?  Why?

  The concept of working 9-5 is one of legacy and tradition.  Do you work MORE hours to get stuff done..?  Do you ever work LESS?

  The FUNCTIONAL step towards success here is to DEFINE what your "JOB" is and what are the CRITERION for effective execution.  As an EMPLOYEE - Once you see that you are not a TIME BOUND employee - you will realize that it is your efforts that define success, not the "hours you put in."  As an EMPLOYER - Realize that you are paying for PRODUCTIVITY, DEFINE your requirements of employees and celebrate their ability to minimize their work hours.  They will celebrate back!


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