Morning Motivator – Get Rid of the YES People

"When everyone is against you, it means that you are absolutely wrong-- or absolutely right."
- Albert Guinon

At a recent Junior Chamber meeting, we enjoyed a discussion regarding the effective BUILDING of strategic teams. Our speaker noted, as a LEADER, your goal in team building is to have a DIVERSE group of people that do NOT agree on everything – I repeat.. DO NOT agree on everything. Why?

Many LEADERS have their own agendas of what they want to see ACCOMPLISHED under their guidance, whether that be 30 days or 30 years. The CHALLENGE is… sometimes they are WRONG. How do you prevent against these errors? By CREATING a team of INDIVIDUALS with their own mind sets and beliefs of what should occur to GROW and ENHANCE the service or product offering. By establishing a team of varying VALUES and INSIGHTS, you create a positive nature of disagreement and competition. (As a leader, keep in mind, these are HEALTHY traits as long as they stay productive and not personal).

Ok, ok, a moment of self admittance. As a leader, I am a CONTROL FREAK. As a person, I am WORSE. Last night I was reminded that I cannot ASSUME to know all the steps after today or control the outcomes of the remainder of my life. This helps tie into the above discussion because again I am proven (again) to be NOWHERE near perfect and reminded of how APPRECIATIVE of the people around me, who are NOT my "yes people", rather more often – my "NO people". By having influences that counter my own thoughts, I am ensured to keep a POSITIVE outlook of "real success" and what the "value" of accomplishments truly are. You have the same people in your life… start listening.


When making big decisions (or small ones with many additional steps to follow), consider developing a Board committee to aid you in the process. This Board does not need to be overly formalized with roles such as President and Treasurer, rather a group of varying trusted advisors that will have HONEST discussion with you and consistently tell you what you NEED TO HEAR , not what you want to hear. My only suggestion in developing this group is to have varying age ranges, while limiting the number of family members (your peers tend to think like you do and your family will always protect you).

By creating this committee of individuals, whom are invested in your success, you will find that you get BETTER IDEAS, ENHANCED PERSPECTIVES and the opportunity to GROW from others EXPERIENCES.


*To enjoy past editions of the Morning Motivator go to –

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