Morning Motivator - Taking Time to Recharge

"Its human to stretch, to go, to see, to understand. Exploration is not a choice, really; its an imperative."
- Michael Collins, Apollo 11

Todays Morning Motivator will be brief as I am taking a day to recharge my batteries.

Today I will be enjoying time with my good friends, Todd, Stefen and Jay, in Las Vegas CELEBRATING Stefen's upcoming marriage... (Yes, I'm at a bachelor party).

One of the most IMPORTANT reasons we work is to ENJOY the benefits of our labor. It is our TIME spent re-investing into our RELATIONSHIPS and PASSIONS that support our work efforts.


To ensure you are RECHARING your batteries consistently, schedule a weekend trip for every 3 months. You don't need to go to great expense, simply FOCUS on spending time with those you CARE for and doing things you ENJOY.

These "mini-vacations" will serve as an EXCELLENT compliment to your annual retreats and provide you the MOTIVATIONS to keep driving forward!!

I will you each a delightful weekend. Be safe and have fun...



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