Morning Motivator - Why Me? Why Not You?

"You want the recipe for success? Knowledge and hard work."
-Joe Dean

Last night I was very honored to hear from the great Joe Dean, at the First Shot Basketball banquet put on by my good friend, mentor and Executive Director, Andy Herzer.

Joe Dean's speech was based around the idea of SUCCESS SELECTION. The concept is that often people ask "why me?" when they are placed in a unique situation. Many people are CHALLENGED when they are asked to do something - good or bad. Why? Fear of FAILURE, lack of CONFIDENCE or maybe just unclear about the DIRECTION of the "ask".

Mr. Dean challenged the group to CHANGE our mind set from "why me?" to "why not me?" The basis being you ARE deserving of HONORS, you are entitled to SUCCESS and you are DESTINED for ACCOMPLISHING Big Dreams if you choose to do so.

GREATNESS is a choice you make every day... Someone will find and achieve GREAT SUCCESS... Why YOU? Why NOT you?

Have a WONDERFUL weekend!


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