Morning Motivator – Karma Sucks! (not for me though)

"How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours."
-Wayne Dyer

I will keep today's Morning Motivator short and fun. I just arrived in from a 7:30am meeting at Starbucks here in Nashville. Great meeting, great topic, great company and DECISIVE action! You gotta love it!

As I am leaving and wishing a GREAT day to the person I was meeting, a gentleman SMASHES his car horn at us since we seemed to be taking too long to depart the parking lot space he so DESPERATELY sought after… talk about a CAFFEINE junkie! I politely held my hand up and nodded my head in RECOGNITION of his desperation for a double espresso latte with cinnamon dashed on the dollop of whipped cream – INTERNALIZING my thoughts of what a giant assh*le this guy was (congrats to me for not beating him up).

I walk around the block to my truck, get in and decide to drive back by Starbucks to make sure he wasn't HARRASSING the person I had met with. As I pull up, I see him pulling out and… WHAM! He backs into a vehicle vying for his spot. Now, I am a GOOD person and wish no ILL WILL upon anyone, however, I do think it funny that he was so rude to me and my meeting partner, prior to his small fender bender… KARMA Sucks! (not for me though)


Simple lesson… be NICE to people. Demonstrate PATIENCE and COMPASSION. If not, you will back your car into someone and I will laugh at you… on the inside.

I hope you all enjoy a WONDERFUL three day weekend. Be safe, have fun and make it count!! See you Tuesday.


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