Morning Motivator – Measuring Your Purpose

"Purpose is what gives life a meaning."
-Charles H. Perkhurst

Every day I take a personal assessment. Nothing fancy, just a simple temperature gauge of what I am doing and where I am going. You might ask, "why every day?" Mostly because I have found that if you don't do a small check DAILY, you may find that many days go by and you have missed out on a LIFETIME of opportunity.

For those that know me well, know that I may have more SERIOUS conversations about LIFE, HAPPINESS, RELATIONSHIPS, CAREER and much more… Often, these discussions are MY way of gathering a TRUSTED advisor to help ensure that my thought processes and passions stay aligned with my pursuit of a greater PURPOSE.

I wonder… Does anyone else ever sit back and ask, "why am I doing what I am doing? Does this meet the greater purpose for my life?" Do you know what your greater purpose IS in your life? At what point do we choose to pursue our DREAMS over dollars? At what point, does TITLE and STATUS take a back seat to PURPOSE and PASSION? I am not suggesting you up and quit to join the peace corps… Just make sure you are doing a regular CHECK UP … its hard to know what you want to GROW UP to be, if you don't have an idea of what you WANT.

This topic is a bit unlike others in the sense that a formal process for ACCOMPLISHMENT will be difficult to define. Since the challenge of DEFINING dreams and values is so individual, I will suggest scheduling the following:

1. TEN minutes daily to spend reflecting on your daily activities – did you accomplish a HIGH VALUE ACTIVITY towards your dreams and purpose?

2. ONE hour weekly (best on Sunday) to determine what 3 SIGNIFICANT tasks you can accomplish to fulfill your purpose

3. ONE day quarterly (every 3 months) to reassess your last 3 months actions and plan your next 3

4. ONE weekend annually to get away, spend time along focusing on your passions and purpose, documenting them and defining your next steps (this is most easily done if tied to an annual holiday such as your birthday or New Years)

By continually monitoring your changing passions, you will maintain a FOCUS on your purpose and should be better able to maintain a POSITIVE forward motion towards a life of HAPPINESS, FULFILLMENT and MEANINGFUL PURPOSE!


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