Morning Motivator - Going Outside Your Comfort Zone

"Our comfort zones can be our greatest enemy to our potential."
- David Cottrell

The joy of life is the opportunity to LEARN everyday... You really have NO control.

Every situation you feel you have a grasp on, is one step from SPIRALING away from the reality you BELIEVE you know. You are presented daily with information you process and make CHOICES from. Sometimes, the action decisions are EASY to make and see. Other times, the answer is more COMPLICATED and requires a deep breath, consideration and then ACTION.
How many things do you WORRY about daily? How many UNCOMFORTABLE situations have you played out in your mind "in preparation for the worst?" How many have actually come TRUE..? Is it really WORTH all that worry?

As a self admitted "over analyzer," I provide this SUCCESS STEP as an effort I work towards daily.

The key to achieving COMFORT is to directly manage and address DISCOMFORT. Need to have a DIFFICULT discussion - have it. Need to perform a CHALLENGING task - knock it out. AFRAID of what may happen when you share an idea... Share it immediately!

Never hold back, always be forthright and remember that its only from the rainy days that we are able to appreciate the sunshine.

Have a great weekend and take a moment to get outside your comfort zone!


*To enjoy past editions of the Morning Motivator go to –

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