- Peter Drucker
Last night I enjoyed a discussion around Tiger Woods, who is arguably the GREATEST golfer of all time. A comment was made, "He is just AMAZING! It's AWESOME how great he is," and I TOTALLY agree. My return comment was based around how EVERYONE has the ability to ACHIEVE and perform at that GENIUS level. I found resistance in that comment.
Consider this, many people have a natural BRILLIANCE about them which they may or may not ever unleash upon the world. Some people never know to SEEK out their brilliance and fall into the realm of IGNORANCE. Some people KNOW they have brilliance, yet spend their time in the WRONG places and thus never find it. Others, seek it and find it, yet never take ACTION on it out of FEAR (the most sad of all options). And yet, a few select people, seek it, find it AND take ACTION on it... hence BRILLIANCE in action.
You may recognize some of those people - Tiger Woods, Bill Gates, Nelson Mandela, Tony Robbins, Warren Buffett. All TOP achievers in their own right, ALL MEGA producers of wealth, ALL actionably living out their BRILLIANCE and GOD given strengths. YOU have that brilliance also... so where in the process are you?
In understanding this concept, you must first BELIEVE and ACCEPT that you have not even begun to tap into your true abilities. You DO possess the ability to work at GENIUS levels and with the right ACTION behind you - you can ACHIEVE at the level of the aforementioned.
The process includes:
- Realizing that you have GENIUS level capability
- Seeking the area of BRILLIANCE you possess (this may take a lengthy time)
- Defining and Refining your GENIUS capabilities
- Taking ACTION to push this special gift as far as you are able
This process is NOT EASY, hence, most people never pursue it. Should you CHOOSE greatness in your life, prepare for pain and frustration, then enjoy the gains of working in BRILLIANCE, just like Tiger Woods.
*To enjoy past editions of the Morning Motivator go to – http://grow-learn-lead.blogspot.com
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