Morning Motivator - Learning to Accept

"Change the changeable, accept the unchangeable, and remove yourself from the unacceptable."
-Denis Waitley

Last evening, I presided over my first Junior Chamber membership meeting and finally EXPERIENCED what my leadership dreams were.

In the past 6 months, I have been very FOCUSED on learning to ACCEPT what I CAN change and what I am unable to. I am LEARNING live with the past - things that have come and gone - and made me the person that I am, as well as the past of those things around me.

Why do people have so much CHALLENGE learning to change the changeable and accept the unchangeable? Why do we DWELL on the past when we are not able to make the changes? How do we move FORWARD if we are so focused on the past?

As a LEADER, my goal is to help others overcome the same challenges I face. This is one of my BIGGEST challenges...

Personally, I have found that SHARING your thoughts with others that have faced the same CHALLENGES. Additionally, I have found that FOCUSING on the GREAT things that have resulted from the past is the BEST way to find value.

Realize that you are a GREAT person because of ALL the actions that came prior to today... OWN IT!


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