Morning Motivator - Your Purpose, Your Career

"One needs something to believe in, something for which one can have whole-hearted enthusiasm. One needs to feel that one's life has meaning, that one is needed in this world."
- Hannah Senesh

This morning I met with a young man to talk about my business and some changes in his. Interesting was how the discussion included BOTH professional and personal elements of interest that are RELEVANT to the overall opportunity.

Our chat centered around what I do for a living and manifested into a discussion around the Junior Chamber and how its value supports my efforts. The ABILITY to meet and discuss opportunities with community leaders, business managers and decision influencers in my local area. We chatted about how an opportunity to provide LEADERSHIP in a high profile position, is a DIRECT benefit to the company that you work for and the ways that it eases the process of your job.

I wonder how many business leaders SUPPORT the efforts of their talented team members in their efforts to LIVE a career of community and relationship. How many LEADERS encourage their talent to create bonds that will provide LONG TERM success for their business? How many just "want the numbers"? I also wonder how many companies retain top talent by DRIVING only the idea of productivity and fail to see the value of a person career focus?

Are you forced to choose between life and work? Should you have to? Do you want to?

Many talented people seek one simple feeling in their day to day business... PURPOSE. The idea of CREATING something that makes a DIFFERENCE in the lives of others and allows the individual to feel a sense of GROWTH and ACCOMPLISHMENT is one of the KEY driving forces of success in today's workplace.

Here is a quick guideline for CLARIFYING your works purpose:
* Define YOUR purpose - What do you want to do? How do you want to make your mark?
* Seek INTEGRATION of that purpose into your career - How can I achieve my needs and satisfy those of my company?
* Set TIMELINES for accomplishment - Establish a time frame to see results and define "next steps" for success or shortfall
* DETERMINE your best strengths - Make sure you are working with what you are BEST at. If not, why do it?
* CHANGE if you are not fulfilled - Why work if you don't feel accomplished, supported or successful? Find a better way to make your path.


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