Morning Motivator – Living A Life of Sacrifice

"You must be willing to do the things today others don't do in order to have the things tomorrow others won't have."
-Les Brown, Live Your Dreams

Are you living a life of SACRIFICE? Not the Aztec warrior kind, as you likely go to jail for that, rather the sacrifice that provides you with the FULFILLMENT of your dreams and goals in the future. Are you making the DECISION to put in the labor of STUDY, HARD WORK and DEVELOPMENT in order to have your "happy life" in the next 3 years?

Often I hear people say, "I am not worried much about the future. I just want to enjoy today. You HAVE to stop and smell the roses." I agree with that statement to a degree. What I wonder is - how many of those people are saying that to hide the fact that they are not doing the SUCCESS ACTIVITIES they know (or may be ignorant to) they should be executing? How many people use this phrase to VALIDATE their lack of personal SACRIFICE for future success. I think this similar to someone who loses all the time telling me, "it is not whether you win or loss… blah blah blah."

Realize something IMPORTANT – where you are TODAY is a result of your DECISIONS and ACTIONS from many years ago. You have CHOSEN your life position. Now, you have the ability to CHOOSE your future success – travel, finances, love, etc. By making a COMMITMENT to taking the ACTIONS necessary to achieve down the road. This may entail you giving up (or sacrificing) some SIMPLE pleasures in order to enjoy more dynamic ones. What is worth your sacrifice? That IS the question you must answer…


In order to ACHIEVE in a traditional sense (time and financial independence), you MUST take certain action steps to accomplish. Here is a quick guideline of where to start:

1. Written Goals
2. Defined Action Steps with Time Deadlines
3. Implementation of Action Steps
4. Commitment to Execution (you may have to stay home Friday night to read, as opposed to going out)
5. Incremental Rewards (helps to keep motivated as you make sacrifices)
6. Reflection and Re-Analysis (revisit and make sure you are still on track with your dreams)

Albeit this is a SIMPLIFIED version of the process for SUCCESS management, you will find that these principles are fairly well established and utilized. By taking the time and energy (ie making the sacrifice) to get these items in place and engaged – you are ENSURING your future happiness and success.

So what are you waiting for?


*To enjoy past editions of the Morning Motivator go to –

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