Morning Motivator – Give Yourself a Break

"Striving for excellence motivates you; striving for perfection is demoralizing."
~Harriet Braiker

I am very EXCITED by the responses I receive daily in response to the Morning Motivator. It seems that the STRUGGLES I face, are the same struggles that others face as well. Interestingly, I wonder how many people are like me in holding themselves to an UNREALISTIC measurement of success?

Here is what I know… I AM my own worst enemy. I am HARDER on myself, excessively CRITICAL of my flaws and more painfully OBSESSED with my "accomplishing success" than any other single person could ever be towards me (maybe more than 2 people could). On a daily basis – I (OVER)ANALYZE my performance and FOCUS on the improvements and decisions I "should" have made. I NITPICK the inconsistencies of myself and continually place intense PRESSURE to improve. Sound familiar? Yet, a FOCUS on improvement - how bad can that REALLY be?

The CHALLENGE with being an OBSESSIVE PERFECTIONIST is that you do not allow yourself any room for GROWTH. Your FOCUS is not on IMPROVEMENT – it is on PERFECTION. If you are EXPECTING peak performance every day from every tasks in every situation – then what is the OBVIOUS result? There is NO way to improve yourself. You are expecting that you have ALL the answers already and that you have the RESOURCES to perform at that level to EXECUTE them. How can that be?


What we must learn to APPRECIATE is that a "miss" in achieving our desired goal is not the same as a "FAILURE." Should you not be able to accomplish something does NOT mean you are incapable, lack intelligence or are lazy. It MAY mean you need to work harder, smarter or simply outsource the task – all of which are learned from EXPERIENCE.

As human beings, we are FLAWED by emotions and illogical thought processes. We will NEVER have all the answers and thus will NEVER be able to CONTROL all the outcomes of our future. We must learn to TRUST those around us, ACCEPT help from those whom care for us and find PEACE in the fact that it is our IMPERFECTIONS that make us exceptional creatures – capable of ACHIEVEMENT, LOVE and GROWTH.

Give yourself a BREAK… I'm sure we both could use it.


*To enjoy past editions of the Morning Motivator go to –

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