Morning Motivator - Speak Your Mind To Break Even

"Speak when you are angry - and you'll make the best speech you'll ever regret."
-Dr. Laurence J. Peter

Are you someone that RESERVES your thoughts if you think they may not be well received? Have you KEPT your feelings from someone you care for to "protect" them? Are you HESITATING to ask for support or enhancement?

A critical limiting factor of your success is COMMUNICATION. When you consider that many outside influences are UNCONTROLLABLE, you begin to realize that the common element you control is your ability to communicate. By asking questions and/or making your feelings known, you are able to PROVIDE and ATTAIN the critical resources you need to achieve your goals.

How many CEOs ask for help daily? How many GREAT marriages are based on open, trusted discussion? How often do you hear of someone attaining an OPPORTUNITY... Just because they ASKED!?

Often, we are FEARFUL of asking questions or making our feelings known. We are afraid we be perceived as WEAK or INCOMPETENT. We may even be concerned about OFFENDING someone or disrupting our "COMFORTABLE BALANCE."

My good friend, Jason Denenberg, makes an EXCELLENT analysis surrounding communication. He uses a "break even" theory which states, "by making the communication with someone else you break even. If you do not get what you want from your request, you are EVEN, as you have neither gained nor lost. However, should you get what you want... You are AHEAD of the game."

Work on the BREAK EVEN theory and you will find yourself making GAINS today!


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