Morning Motivator - Don't Run Away

"What separates winners from losers is the courage to persist long enough to win."
-- David Cottrell

Sales studies will tell you that 5-7 "touches" are REQUIRED to set an appointment. Do you know how many times the AVERAGE person will make contact with someone that they "want" to do business with? Typically, two. So, what makes the DIFFERENCE between the good and the GREAT? Persistence.

How many GREAT relationships were found by a STUBBORN participant that wouldn't take no for an answer? Many of life's BEST experiences must be EARNED by sticking to your commitments.

No on ever said work would be EASY- that's why its called WORK. No one said LOVE would be fun everyday - but its the hard times and difficult discussions that create LASTING affection. Don't RUN AWAY from something great because it looks HARD or feels UNCOMFORTABLE. Its the things you work hardest for that really mean the most...

Always keep in mind that the TOP ACHIEVERS in this world look at adversity as a challenge they are ALWAYS able to overcome.

It is their focus on the PLEASURE of achievement that drives them past the pain... Additionally, the RECOGNIZE that the common factor that separates them from the rest is that the others WON'T do the hard work.

You know what to do and the benefits... Don't be afraid... Don't run away. All the GREATNESS is just on the other side.


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