Morning Motivator - A Moments Notice

"Every passing minute is a new opportunity to change the rest of your life."
- unknown

When you woke up this morning, you had a CHOICE ... Let the day own you or you own the day. It is a SIMPLE decision that you must make as to HOW you will use your day - a stepping stone towards GROWTH or an opportunity to revel in distress.

We understand that our life TODAY is the result of our prior decisions and that what we see, feel and know are due to our past life. Are you HAPPY with yourself? Would you have made DIFFERENT decisions? What would you CHANGE... And why?

For me, I do not have many REGRETS. I do wish I had passed on a relationship or two. I wish I had gone away to college and joined a fraternity. I wish I had studied a different subject in college... But for what MATTERS - my character, ability to love, my leadership - I am pleased. I UNDERSTAND that I missed some good opportunities and CHOSE some bad ones... yet, I am still here and doing well.

The reality of your life is you have more CONTROL than you will allow yourself to appreciate.

You have the CAPABILITY to execute the actions you KNOW are productive - eat well, make your sales calls, work out, stay committed in your relationship. If you CHOOSE to commit to DOING the tasks you KNOW are productive and execute in a CONSISTENT manner - your success is essentially GUARANTEED.

You know the "right things" - choose to do them today and you WILL have the life you DESIRE!


*To enjoy past editions of the Morning Motivator go to –

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