What are the things that WORRY you day in and day out? What are the FEARS you have about the future that keep you from fulfilling your daily dreams? What CONCERNS do you have about your present situation that cannot be FIXED with focus and change in ACTION?
We all are GUILTY of doing it – we worry about the things that don't matter. We are FEARFUL of the things we are unable to control and ASSUME the worst in all situations. Example: Yesterday morning, our President and I flew to Atlanta for a product demonstration. I PREPARED all last week in an effort to have all bases covered and make sure we did a "knockout" demo! We arrive in Atlanta to learn that the person we are meeting with is out of town, as well as his counterpart. Guess this was a WASTED trip! Except… the REAL person that needed our services called and said he'd pick us up to see the demo.
After 5 hours in Atlanta, we demonstrated our product, ate lunch with the buyer and his President, all while BUILDING an excellent relationship. AMAZING! So why did I freak out when we got there and our appointment seemed to be lost? Was the world going to end because I wouldn't get to demo? Was my time so damn IMPORTANT that I would never be able to change the world because of this? Was this a sign that the deal had no CHANCE of being executed? HECK NO… it was just me WORRYING about the things that I couldn't control… how much worry do you place on yourself around things you DON'T control?
Next time you start to WORRY about something – ask yourself, "Is this something I will remember in 12 months?" If it is not, let it go.
If your concerns are about control of FINANCES – look to your budgeting to see where your financial power is coming from. You may have a leak in your system, such as a daily Starbucks habit you are not considering. You can easily spend a few hundred bucks a month on wasteful coffee and such.
If your concerns are about JOB SECURITY – look at your CORE responsibility. Are you doing that daily? Are you driving the one most IMPORTANT action on a daily basis? If not, change it.
If you are worried in LOVE – speak to your significant other about your anxieties. Often, they share similar feelings. You may find that opening up will actually create a DEEPER bond and a stronger love.
Don't worry… most often, everything works out!
*To enjoy past editions of the Morning Motivator go to – http://grow-learn-lead.blogspot.com
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