Morning Motivator - Don't Party Too Quickly

"Don't boast about projects in progress. Celebrate their completion."
- unknown

Have you ever known someone that is most EXCITED right before they finish something? Have you ever noticed what happens when that same person is UNABLE to deliver the final completion?

Often, we ANTICIPATE the next steps of any process and EXPECT there will rarely be hiccups along the way. Reality says that anxiety surrounding COMMITTMENT is at its highest IMMEDIATELY before signing. So as professionals, why would we CELEBRATE any achievement at any time other than AFTER it is complete?

As OPTIMISTIC people, we must keep our FOCUS on seeing actions through to their completion. As Gen X or Gen Y'ers, we must show even GREATER ability, as our natural tendency is to leave something hanging once we feel it is a "done deal."

To remain FOCUSED requires a great deal of energy. To best HARNESS your energies, take time to step back, catch your breath and charge through...

When you ALLOW yourself a "time out" to focus IN your business, not just ON it... You find that you will be more PRECISE in your actions and more likely to COMPLETE them.

Now finish your work, so you can go CELEBRATE!!


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