Morning Motivator - Want More? Do More!

"The definition of insanity: executing the same actions and expecting different results."
- unknown

Special thanks again to my good friend, Josh Anderson. This is an excellent perspective...

If you wish to achieve more, then attempt more. Push yourself
beyond what you already know you can do.

Get out of the rut of going through the same motions and
ending up with the same results. Put some additional time,
energy, thought and creativity into your actions.

Take on challenges that make you a little bit uncomfortable.
Stretch your abilities and watch them grow.

Decide to reach higher and you'll find many new ways to move
higher. Raise your expectations and you'll improve your

Keep on learning, keep on growing, and keep on venturing
beyond what you already know. Give yourself the gift of
increasingly ambitious goals.

Enjoy and appreciate how far you've already come. Then jump
back in and make it even better.

Thanks again Josh!! Great work.


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