Morning Motivator - Appreciating Assets

"People are your most valuable asset. Only people can be made to appreciate in value."
- Brian Tracy

Often you hear people say that "people are their most VAUABLE asset." Why? Is it just lip service? Is it just a PC way of making people FEEL important?

For those of us that NEED human influence to improve our results (which should be all of us), we truly UNDERSTAND how important a GOOD person is.

It is the QUALITY person (character, intelligence, drive) that creates real VALUE. They are the keys that UNLOCK doors others cannot. They are the ASSETS that gain in value with age and experience. They are the REAL VALUE of a successful business.

What is a TOP QUALITY person worth? How do you MEASURE their value?

For me, as a leader in the Young Professional community, I can tell you that the VALUE of a great person is easily worth that of FIVE "regular" people.

They will work 5x as hard to be successful, bring 5x as many quality contacts and SHARE their expertise 5x more effectively! They are without question... INVALUABLE!

Are you WORTH 5x as much as others? Are you one of your companies most valuable ASSETS?


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