Morning Motivator – Are You Assuming The Best of Others?

"Your assumptions are your windows on the world. Scrub them off every once in a while, or the light won't come in."
-Alan Alda

Now I am not one to complain, however, I am one to STAND UP for what is right. I want you to THINK about your assumptions of others as you go through this week.

Are you ASSUMING that you leaders are always SELF SERVING? Are you ASSUMING that you are under paid and over worked? Are you ASSUMING that you are more VALUABLE to your group than others?

ASSUMPTIONS are often a major cause of CONFLICT. Commonly, they are DRIVEN by someone's desire to have CONTROL over something or PROVE that they were "right" about something. Often, these ASSUMPTIONS are based on personal bias towards an individual and commonly lack SUBSTANCE. The assumption is driven by one's PERCEPTION of a situation and RARELY encompasses the full story.

I CHALLENGE YOU… to CHALLENGE your assumptions.


Should a situation present itself that lends you to ASSUME the intent, thoughts or actions or others… PAUSE. THINK about what you are ASSUMING. Make sure you have COMPLETE information about the situation. DIRECTLY approach and ASK questions of the person you are concerned for. Once you have all the information, the background and the understanding of the person/situation… THEN present your case.

You will COMMONLY find that your ASSUMPTIONS are just making an …. Well, you know how that one goes.

Have a great week!


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