Morning Motivator - Finding Quality Time

"Time is an investment. It must be spent wisely to get the best out of it."
- unknown

What is your most VALUABLE asset? If you said TIME, you receive 1 Million points! (Don't spend them all in one place).

Time is the most LIMITED resource we have available. We KNOW a few things about time, such as, (1) we will never have more than 24 hours in a day (of which you will sleep 1/4 to 1/3), (2) you ARE on a limited time line and (3) the people that use time most EFFICIENTLY seem to free the most later on.

So HOW do others look at TIME? The TOP ACHIEVERS of the world treat their time, truly, as an INVESTMENT. They look to create a RETURN on their investment. They MEASURE the value of their actions during their time. They UNDERSTAND that time well spent will return to them in multiples.

The key to VALUING your time, is learning to PROTECT it. When you begin to force others to RESPECT your time, your time, in turn, will become more VALUABLE.

How do you get people to RESPECT your time? BLOCK IT!

Set times for certain activities and DO NOT let anyone interrupt these hours!!! Repeat, NO ONE interrupts your time!

When others UNDERSTAND your time is to be treated as an INVESTMENT... They (and you) will begin to see better results of your time USE!


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