Morning Motivator - Is It Worth It?

"A passing comment may leave your mind once it leaves your mouth, yet it may stick forever with the person who receives it."
- unknown

Currently, I am reading a book about the HABITS people demonstrate that prevent them from achieving "next level" results. One of these habits is MAKING DESTRUCTIVE COMMENTS.

As human beings, we are CONSTANTLY in survival mode. We like to BELIEVE we are better than a badger or a dog, yet we too, are always seeking a leg up. Our innate desire to always WIN and come out on top, sometimes, can be more DAMAGING than working together.

The need to make stinging comments is a way of keeping people SUPPRESSED and POWERLESS - a common way of keeping yourself in power. Consider the LONG-TERM damages done though. Wouldn't it be better to ENHANCE others and build LOYALTY?

POWER is a blend of CONTROL and EGO. Often, people seeking "power" are seeking control, as a result of a lack of control in their own life.

Realizing that you have only LIMITED control over the majority of life's experiences, allows you to LET GO and begin ENRICHING others.

If you are guilty of making those stinging comments, used to limit the power of others (and yes, we all do it!)... Simple take a DEEP breath next time you are about to comment. Then, ask yourself... Is It Worth It?


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