Morning Motivator - How Committed Are You?

"The quality of a person's life is in direct proportion to their commitment to excellence, regardless of their chosen field of endeavor."
- Vince Lombardi

We all STRUGGLE with our work on occasion. Most of us REALIZE we are not performing at our best, yet lack some innate ability to understand..."why?"

I like to look at the people AROUND me and see who has that SPECIAL talent, the ability to find SUCCESS easily. I like to EXAMINE their characteristics and see if there is a "SPECIAL SAUCE" they use that others don't know of. What is it that makes these few people so especially ACCOMPLISHED?

When I look at the people around me IMMEDIATELY - Sonny, Kerry, Nancy, Andy, Jason - and see that each of them have DEDICATED and COMMITTED to excellence. They focus on how they can do their job BETTER than others. The BEST ways to help people in the way they BEST are able. They are putting in the EFFORT today to enjoy the spoils tomorrow. How COMMITTED are you?

When you CONSIDER what you want to become, regardless of age, what do you see as the BIGGEST hurdle? Commonly, we see it as EDUCATION. You "don't know" what to do or how to get enough skills to change your SITUATION. Yet, there are more potential outlets for education than ever before - internet, public library, reading books in Borders late at night rather than buying them (I know some of you do this).

I would CONTEST anyone's comment that it is a LACK of education. Rather, it is a lack of COMMITMENT. A uncontrollable willingness to commit time, energy, metal and financial resources or more to ENSURE that you get what you want. Simply... most people that the willingness to FULLY commit to their own excellence.

So, I ask you again... HOW COMMITTED ARE YOU?


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