- Chamfort (French playwright, 1741-1794)
"You CAN'T do that!" You ever want to see me get fired up?? Say that to me. I am not a BELIEVER in what CANNOT be done, rather what CAN.
Every day I am STUNNED by the people that live without DYNAMICS, CREATIVITY and OPEN MINDEDNESS. You can recognize his behavior pattern in people that continually tell you WHAT you cannot do, as opposed to HOW you should get the same goal achieved in a different way. This is the kid in school that told you NOT to color outside the lines, the college student that said you SHOULDN'T use crib notes to learn, the colleague in your meeting that feel it is their duty to show you how much SMARTER they are then you. Yet, what does that ever achieve?
I am not an ANARCHIST, nor am I one that believes protocol should be bypassed. However, I do BELIEVE in creative leeway to achieve LOGICAL end goals. The phrase, "we have never done it that way before," should send off a 10 ALARM FIRE WARNING SYSTEM in your head. If you have never done it "that way"… why not? Oh, it didn't work ONCE before… well lots of good things didn't work the first time. Do you know the story of WD-40? Look it up… it may give you some insight.
I love CREATIVE instruction about better SYSTEMS to get things done. I tend to become ANNOYED when I am challenged on my personal integrity or am presented with a PROBLEM… and NO SOLUTIONS (other than NO action).
You want to change the way you get things done and have it be a HOMERUN every time?? Here is the BEST suggestion I was ever given: If you see a problem, bring a solution. If you don't have a solution (or are unwilling to be the one to find solutions), don't present the problem until you have a SOLUTION.
Does your solution have to be APPROVED, AGREED UPON or USED? Heck no! You just need to be someone that presents as a problem solver…
Often, everyone will AGREE that there IS a problem… they just need someone to start the CREATIVE solution process by offering up a starting point. Are you that LEADER?
*To enjoy past editions of the Morning Motivator go to – http://grow-learn-lead.blogspot.com
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