- Colleen Howe, wife of hockey hall of fame inductee, Gordie Howe
Good morning all. It is SOAPBOX TIME! I want to share a pet peeve of mine with you all this morning. The particular behavior that I am speaking of is CRITICIZING others who are trying new things.
I APPLAUD anyone that is willing to step outside of their strengths and comfort zones. AMAZINGLY, at one point in our lives, we were all STRUGGLING to become good at something. For some, we had NATURAL talents that made it easier. For others, we had short LEARNING curves. For the rest, we moved on to other things we were BETTER suited for.
There are a great many things I would LOVE to have worked on when I was younger like, art and music. I was more of a math and science NERD though. Now, as time continues to move, others and I seek to revisit those PASSIONS for self expression. Should anyone be PUNISHED for wanting to better themselves? Should you be ASHAMED that you are not the BEST AT EVERYTHING? It is ok not to WIN at everything... sometimes it is good enough to just have fun!
This story is prompted from overhearing a discussion in a restaurant. A few people were making light of someone they knew for how much they were STRUGGLING to keep up with the group. One person stood up to the group and said, "you know this is his first time to ever try this, right?"
It made me WONDER... do I do that to others? Am I that POMPOUS and ARROGANT, such that I would ridicule someone's efforts to make myself feel better about my SUPERIORITY? Likely, I have. As have you.
When you begin to DISCUSS the achievement and struggles of others as a way to learn and compare growth, always keep in mind that you do NOT know the full story. This person may have circumstances you are not AWARE of that make them exceptional or less than.
In reality, even if they are TERRIBLE... if they are stepping outside of their comfort zone, who is REALLY the one that is struggling to BETTER THEMSELVES? Don't be afraid to fail - it teaches you to be EXCELLENT!
*To enjoy past editions of the Morning Motivator go to – http://grow-learn-lead.blogspot.com
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