Morning Motivator - Don't Wait for Leftovers

"Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle."
-Abraham Lincoln

What happens when you WAIT to see if you really should take an action? Have you ever Saturday in a meeting and had the group say, "let's hold off until next meeting"? What happened to the OPPORTUNITY you considering or discussing?

WAITING drives me NuTs!! While I will conceded that some decisions require additional info... A vast majority are a JUDGMENT call. An even greater majority have very little long-term IMPACT. So, why do people wait?

"Waiting" or "asking for more info" is a STALL tactic, commonly based out of FEAR. Understandably, the fear is caused by a lack of security driven by INSUFFICIENT information. BUT (and yes that's a BIG but)... Even if you had ALL the information, you still can't control the RESULTS and a DECISION must still be made.

Use the following to determine if you are WAITING or STALLING:

1. What specific questions can be solved with additional information?
2. Will having that information empower me to make my decision?
3. What are the long-term risks of moving forward immediately?
4. Is this action reversible or able to be eliminated if we find the decision was wrong?
5. What advantage are we sacrificing by waiting?

By answering these questions, you are able to frame the IMPACT vs. DRAMA.

Don't STALL... The first pick is BEST. Only accept LEFTOVERS for turkey sandwiches.


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